
What is the EEM Label?

The Energy Efficient Mortgage Label (EEML) is a clear and transparent quality label for consumers, lenders and investors, aimed at identifying energy efficient mortgages (EEM) in lending institutions’ portfolios, which are intended to finance the purchase/construction and/or renovation of both residential (single family & multi-family) and commercial buildings, with a focus on building energy performance.

The EEML is intended to scale-up private market support for the NextGenerationEU vision, the EU Renovation Wave Strategy and the EU Green Deal, by acting as a catalyst for consumer demand and a driver of the qualitative upgrade of the energy profile of lending institutions’ portfolios and of enhanced asset quality.

The objectives of the EEML are to maximise portfolio regulatory alignment with the main legal and policy developments such as the EU Taxonomy, Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD), Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) or equivalents at international level.

Finally, the EEML is intended as a global benchmark for EEM from the perspective of lending institutions and institutional investors (following the lead of the Covered Bond Label).

The EEML provides information on the portfolios of energy efficient loans as assets to be included in green covered bonds and green securitisation, allows for enhanced evaluation and tracking of their financial performance relative to alternatives and provides greater transparency regarding climate risks and resilience.

: Funding the Hope for a Better Future

Advantages of the label

  • Identification, exchange and implementation of market and legislative best practices at European and international levels, such as the EU Taxonomy.
  • Uniform disclosure of EEM-specific data through the Harmonised Disclosure Template (HDT) for improved comparability of EEM.
  • Facilitation and improvement of access for investors, regulators and other market participants to centralised, comprehensive and up-to-date qualitative and quantitative information.
  • Large market representation within the EEM Label Committee

    EEM Label Advisory Council which acts as a market participant think-tank and as a bridge with policy makers and regulators


Regular conditions


From January 2025 onwards for all lending institutions which complete the application procedure for at least 1 EEM programme

  • Initial Registration Fee (EUR 5,000)
  • Annual Label Fee (EUR 4,000)
  • Volume Issuance Fee for EEM eligible mortgages reported on the HDT
  • Obligation to complete the HDT

Completed the application procedure

General information on the EEM programme (uploaded to the EEM website)

Completed HDT uploaded on institution's website

Sign up in 3 steps

  • 1

    Self-certification of compliance with the EEM Definition of an Energy Efficient Mortgage

  • 2
    Commitment to Transparency

    Commitment to Transparency by disclosing relevant data information on your green mortgage products in compliance with the Harmonised Disclosure Template

  • 3

    Creation of the Lending institution Profile and Programme Profile


Europe's mortgage markets (volumes outstanding equal to 44% of EU GDP) have the potential to drive the energy efficient improvement of the EU’s building stock and scale up the EU Renovation Wave strategy, in a context where 90% of the building stock was built before 2001. With the EU Green Deal in mind, this will, in turn, boost the labour market, with 18 jobs created for every €1m invested in green building retrofits, and contribute to achieving key socio-political objectives by fighting energy poverty, against a background where for many Europeans heating their home or putting food on their table is a genuine dilemma.

Latest news

EEM Label Foundation Appoints Label Committee & Advisory Council for 2023-2024

Tuesday 14 February, 2023

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Takarék Mortgage Bank becomes first Hungarian bank to join EEM Label

Monday 21 February, 2022

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Adoption of EU Taxonomy Delegated Act marks milestone opens new chapter in EU’s sustainability efforts

Thursday 09 December, 2021

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Six additional Dutch lending institutions join the Energy Efficient Mortgage Label

Tuesday 23 November, 2021

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Triodos Bank to join Energy Efficient Mortgage Label

Friday 02 July, 2021

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